So what if there was a guy named Lehi that saw visions? Why do I care?
It's not so important that there was a guy named Lehi. It's important that he followed the commandments of God.
It's important that he was taught what was going to happen, so that he knew why he needed to call the people to repentance. He needed to know why it was so desperate.
It wouldn't be a good idea, though, for God to simply come down and tell the people, "I'm going to send the Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem if you don't repent!" That's kind of like your parents telling you that they're going to demolish your room from their house if you don't clean it up. You are going to clean your room whether you want to or not.
The reason that God gives us prophets is because we need to choose for ourselves, and to experience the consequences of our choices. That is the only way we can learn and grow.
I love Lehi, though, and his amazing act of faith!
How does this story relate to you? What did you learn from it?
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