Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The End of First Nephi

The First Book of Nephi

Chapter 19
"Nephi makes plates of ore and records the history of his people—The God of Israel will come six hundred years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem—Nephi tells of His sufferings and crucifixion—The Jews will be despised and scattered until the latter days, when they will return unto the Lord. About 588–570 B.C."-Introduction to 1 Nephi Chapter 19

No action here.
Nephi just tells about why he's making the record, how it is to be passed down a few prophecies about Christ from the words of prophets that have been lost, and he likens the scriptures to himself and his brothers.

Chapters 20-21
"The Lord reveals His purposes to Israel—Israel has been chosen in the furnace of affliction and is to go forth from Babylon—Compare Isaiah 48. About 588–570 B.C."-Introduction to 1 Nephi Chapter 20
"The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles and will free the prisoners—Israel will be gathered with power in the last days—Kings will be their nursing fathers—Compare Isaiah 49. About 588–570 B.C."-Introduction to 1 Nephi Chapter 21

He quotes Isaiah. Good luck with that. Isaiah is not the easiest book to read or understand.

Chapter 22
"Israel will be scattered upon all the face of the earth—The Gentiles will nurse and nourish Israel with the gospel in the last days—Israel will be gathered and saved, and the wicked will burn as stubble—The kingdom of the devil will be destroyed, and Satan will be bound. About 588–570 B.C."-Introduction to 1 Nephi Chapter 22

Nephi explains some of what he quoted in Isaiah, concerning the scattering and gathering of Israel. If you read the previous quoting Isaiah chapters, Nephi will explain some of it.
Nephi then commands his offspring and future prophets to keep the records and continue to write on them.

So What?

So, we've just gone through the entire first book of the Book of Mormon. We've heard the story of how Nephi and his family left Jerusalem and traveled through the wilderness to a promised land and
all of the family drama and trials and challenges that they faced. Children have been born. People have died. They've seen angels and miracles. Some people's faith has been strengthened, others have forgotten and turned away. 

And this is all important why?  Why did anyone even bother writing all of these things down?  Why would anybody care?  Why is this so important that a man made sheets of metal and took the time to engrave these things on them?  Why were they so important that this man commanded his children and others to pass them down and continue to write on them? 

Well, God commanded him to, but there's a reason that God did. 

These stories, these experiences, these thoughts, impressions, theories, doctrines are all so important, that they were preserved for our day and age.  They were brought forth so that we could learn and grow and gain a stronger faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We can and are supposed to relate these things to our lives. 

I've seen people in my life that are just like Laman and Lemuel. They have seen miracles.  They know that there is a God.  Then, they turn away, and they forget, and they are faced with humbling experiences, and they just won't listen.  Sometimes, I act like Laman and Lemuel.
Then, I know people like Nephi who will go and do anything for God. Sometimes I act like Nephi.
I've had experiences like these.  I've seen God in my life, and I know that He is there waiting to help us and guide us, but we have to be willing to listen and to do the things He commands.

There are so many things you can learn from the scriptures, and there's more as we reach the promised land with Nephi and his family.

To read the actual scriptures, go to1 Nephi 22, and then you can navigate to other scriptures.

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