Blogger's Note:
From this point on, this is a speculative perspective on doctrine, and it should not be taken as official doctrine, whether of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or of any other church. It is based on doctrine of the LDS church, but it is the musings of a single person put into a fictional situation, and so, we can not be sure how accurate this will be as to how these situations will actually happen. For more information, read the scriptures and refer to published books from the LDS church, such as Gospel Principles, Preach My Gospel, and the Ensigns, and you can find more information at
Pretty much, this is my personal fictionalized take on it, and I am not an official representative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and use some common sense.
But Wait! There's More!
You are now dead. D-E-D dead. Your spirit and your body are separated.
It is so weird without your body. You're still you, but you don't have
the same feelings or abilities as you had when you were in your body.
When you first came into the spirit world, you were greeted by family
and friends and people you knew on Earth. They explained things to
you, how life was now that you're dead, things you'd have to know.
They show you around the Spirit World.
The place you're in is beautiful and wonderful, and you ask if it's Heaven.
"Yes," a dear friend answers. "This is paradise, Heaven, limbo,
whatever you would like to call it. But this isn't it, this isn't all
there is. This is just a waiting place and a resting place."
As the tour continues, you and your guides come to bridges that go
from the wonderful lit world into a dark sad place.
"Hell?" You ask.
"Yes and no." The cryptic answer comes.
"These are the bridges Jesus Christ made when He died and came here,"
a grandparent told you. "These lead to Spirit Prison, where those who
don't know about Christ and the gospel, or those who were disobedient
in life go. It is a sad place, but our job is to go to those in spirit
prison and teach them."
A friend who died many years before you gave a toothy grin. "I've been
back and forth teaching a lot. I've helped many people come across the
bridges. You must see the light in their eyes when they recognize that
what we're teaching is true and start to act on it."
You remember in life when you were first taught the gospel and when
you first realized it was true. You ask if you can help teach. There
were laughs around, and they said of course.
You enjoy your life after death, teaching and resting and enjoying paradise.
You continue this life as the events on Earth hasten to Christ's
Second Coming. You check in once in a while, surveying life on Earth,
and you recognize things you had read in the scriptures that had never
made sense before.
Christ's coming is glorious, and you are there in a chorus of angels.
You are resurrected with those that were righteous, and you wonder at
your now perfected immortal body. You are so grateful to have it back,
especially without its creaks and groans and pains.
It's not all over yet. The Millennium has just begun.
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