The Second Book of Nephi
Chapter 3
Skipping around a little bit, filling a request. But Second Nephi has some of my most favorite chapters, and we'll be looking at the others after this post. From now on, things are going to be taking a bit more of a summary type of an approach, as it's easier to keep the weekly updates.
What's going on in this chapter?
Lehi is going to die soon and so he is giving advice, wisdom, and prophecies to his children. He is now speaking to his youngest, Joseph.
-Lehi blesses his son Joseph.
-Lehi tells him that they are descendants of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt.
-Joseph of Egypt saw their day, saw that there would be a righteous people from the descendants of Lehi, saw that they wouldn't be the line that the Messiah came through, but saw that the Messiah would come to their descendants.
-Joseph also saw that God would have another prophet that would bring God's word to the descendants.
-Joseph's descendants would write, and Judah's descendants would write, and when the words came together, they would clear away false doctrine.
-The prophet would be named after Joseph of Egypt, and after his own father.
-Their descendants will be blessed to be brought back to God through the book and the prophet, and it will lead to a Restoration.
Wanna try out reading the actual scriptures and prophecies? Try your hand here, 2 Nephi 3
So What? Why does this matter? Answers here.
i liked your breakdown of the chapter. What I cannot get past is the amazement Joseph Smith must have had while translating, actually seeing his own name in the plates from 2400 years ago!!!!!